Feast of the Damned: SXSW 2012 – Black Br...12793
My previous two years of SXSW coverage have taken you on my journey show by show…but this year was a...

SXSW Day 4: Naam, eyehategod, Pentagram @ Scoot...12005
My final show at SXSW would end at the same place it began. A perfect circle. I walked over to...

SXSW Day 4: Rival Sons @ Front Gate Tickets, 3/...12004
Rival Sons know how to harness the power of Twitter. They read my love tweets about their Jackalope set, informed...

SXSW Day 4: A Place to Bury Strangers @ Rumbler...12003
I had to speed walk back to the main part of Sixth Street once my friends reminded me that APTBS...

SXSW Day 4: Chapel Club @ Waterloo Records, 3/1...12002
Chapel Club were another must see band for me. I’d had one unsuccessful attempt already….a BADGE ONLY show….but this time...

SXSW Day 4: Rival Sons @ Jackalope, 3/19/1112001
I’d been receiving press releases for Rival Sons for a couple months, and was really digging their classic rock ‘n...

SXSW Day 3: The Vacant Lots, The Vandelles @ Ho...11999
It was a very frustrating evening that had me completely rethinking my no badge/no wristband/no problem policy. I had intended...

SXSW Day 3: Red Fang, Havok, Kvelertak @ Headhu...11997
I’ll be damned if I was going to miss this show….so I made a point to go look at the...

SXSW Day 3: The New Regime @ Rusty Spur, 3/18/1111996
Day 3. The fatigue showed itself in the following manner: I did my now usual park my car at a...

SXSW Day 2: Worm Ouroboros, Witch Mountain, Aga...11995
Agalloch was my #2 must see at SXSW, and honestly, I thought that due to the hype surrounding their last...

SXSW Day 2: The Funeral Pyre @ Emo’s, 3/1...11992
The day started off with an interview and much glaring at the additional people in green descending upon downtown Austin...

SXSW Day 1: A Place to Bury Strangers, She Want...11990
It’s always fun when two of ‘my’ bands end up playing together…and while last year’s SXSW had She Wants Revenge...

SXSW Day 1: The Click Clack Boom @ Speakeasy, 3...11989
I had seen The Click Clack Boom at last year’s SXSW and taken a liking to their lighter than what...

SXSW Day 1: Dark Castle, Gay For Johnny Depp @ ...11988
As I parked my car and reached the 6th street masses to begin this year’s SXSW adventure, I felt a...

SXSW '10: Venomous: Black Cobra, Rwake @ E...10933
I took my last stroll down Sixth Street, taking in the spectacle of people around me. I arrived at my...

SXSW '10: Not So Minipop @ Aces Lounge, 10...10929
I trotted down 6th street in a cold stupor, quickly sobering up from my Irish coffees. I walked in just...

SXSW '10: The Oath: Street Sweeper Social ...10925
Before going back out again, my mom took me to a nice dinner since I had been so busy that...

SXSW '10: Ain't No Easy Way: Vagrant ...10917
It was about 6pm when we got out of the Spin Party, and next up we had a mission. Black...

SXSW '10: Head Like a Hole: Spin Party: Ro...10909
The Spin Party at SXSW is generally one of the most coveted events to get into. When I heard that...

SXSW '10: Late Night w/ Goatwhore @ Headhu...10905
I’m speedwalking down the street, gingerly stepping around the intoxicated mix of musicians, attendees, and industry folks meandering around the...

SXSW '10: LA in the ATX: Street Sweeper So...10900
I had about 10 minutes to spare as I hustled to Rusty Spurs, which is normally a gay bar, to...

SXSW '10: Gene-ius: Prophit, The Click Cla...10895
Through an acquaintance I made while following around the NIN/JA tour, I was invited to a party where some very...

SXSW '10: Fix Your Face: Dillinger Escape ...10888
Luckily I had heard rumors about this weeks ago, so it sat on my schedule as the crown jewel of...

SXSW '10: Revenge in the Daylight: She Wan...10883
After the death metal day show, Umlaut and I ate a Tex Mex snack and split off, him going to...

SXSW '10: Off With a Bang: Landmine Marath...10879
It would be my first time back for SXSW since I moved away from Austin 5 years ago. After a...