20th Century Boy: Scott Weiland & The Wild...14336
It’s 6:30pm and I’m ravenously eating my first meal of the day. Sitting at the bar at the famous Dan...

Halo of Ashes: Mark Lanegan, Sean & Zander...14010
“She wears a halo of ashes Specter on the wind Waits on me so patiently I no longer can pretend...

No Love Lost: Carcass, Exhumed @ The Troubadour...14003
“Sensual awakening Numbing feeling’s dead Conception’s romanticised Synthesized broken hearts to bled” ~”No Love Lost”, Carcass I was holding tickets...

Future Warrior: Palms, Crypts @ The Troubadour,...19809
Since I’ve scaled back to going to about one show a week, I’ve recaptured some of the magic of entering...

Sleepy Silver Door: Dead Meadow, Strangers Fami...13615
” Music is my boyfriend…music is my hot hot sex.” ~”Music is my hot hot sex”, CSS I hate Valentine’s...

Screaming Gun: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club @ Th...13548
“You’re dyin’ alone, you should’ve known It be cold yeah, cold yeah, cold yeah Now you know you’re alone, you’re...

I Lost You: A Place to Bury Strangers @ Troubad...13480
At this point, there really isn’t much more I can write about A Place to Bury Strangers, except that, even...

One Man Revolution: The Nightwatchman, Stoll Va...12617
Once upon a time, I was a very politically-minded individual. Throughout school I was heavily into activism, whether it be...

Ground: Enslaved, Alcest, Junius @ The Troubado...12555
“Caught in a spiral of need Act without the choice Choose not to act Caught in a spiral of need...

Tired Climb: Kylesa and Intronaut @ The Troubad...12407
“Keyed up, all tore up Free from thought, walking backwards Tranquil anxiety Refraining from walking backwards Reverse and rewind Contemplate...

Face the Wall: Torche, Big Business, Thrones @ ...12360
Many of us had to make the decision between two shows on this hot, summer evening: Exhumed at the Key...

Silent Hedges: Peter Murphy @ Troubadour, 6/29/1112261
He struts in place, the goth lord amongst a small contingency of his followers. The Troubadour has housed many icons...