Black Meddle: Cradle of Filth, Nachtmystium, Da...11863
Everything old is new again. As I removed the gum from my purse in preparation for the Regency Ballroom security...

Bringer of Death: Danzig, All Shall Perish @ Th...11216
You could easily separate those leaving Pride from those going to Danzig as I walked along Van Ness. Once in...

Accentuated: Bullet For My Valentine, Chiodos, ...11108
The dreaded Regency Ballroom security. I remembered to remove the pack of gum and the pen from my bag, but...

Hot Topic: H.I.M., We Are The Fallen, Dommin @ ...11018
Once upon a time, there was a teenage girl who was into rock music. Her room’s centerpiece was a stereo...

Accessory to Murder: Killfest| Overkill, V...11007
“There is a correlation between hotter weather and more murders in nearly every US city.” It was the warmest day...

Post-Punk: Public Image Ltd. @ The Regency Ball...11001
I started watching MTV when I was 8 or 9 years old, when it was in it’s prime. While I...

Viking Swords and Blast Beats: Fear Factory, Am...10979
Running on fumes after last night’s whirlwind Golden Gods trip, it’s a wonder that in the 10 minutes I had...

Headbanger's Ballroom: Arch Enemy, Exodus,...10714
It wasn’t my favorite day. First, I received an email from a certain relative suggesting that I use part of...

The Teaches of Peaches: Peaches, Amanda Blank, ...10303
It was one of those nights that happens about once a month where I wanted to clone myself and attend...

Red, White, and Green: GWAR, Job For a Cowboy, ...10290
Back in 2006, when I was still new to SF, I went to see GWAR at The Warfield. I had...

Whip It : Devo, Reggie Watts @ The Regency Ball...10245
It was to be my twelfth show in fifteen days, and it was definitely the ‘wildcard’ show. I’ll admit it,...

Industrial Theater: Skinny Puppy, VVerevvolf Gr...10223
This was the perfect ending to Halloween weekend. What started with black metal in a dive bar, and climaxed with...

A Hard Drive: All That Remains, Lacuna Coil @ T...10143
I know three things about the bands playing tonight going into this show: 1. Lacuna Coil are from Italy 2....

No Pity for the Majority: KMFDM, Angelspit, Leg...10128
“Are you the Hard Rock Chick?” I hear as I’m being searched by security. I say yes, and he tells...

Something for Everyone: Children of Bodom, The ...10112
Let’s start this review with a case study example of why bands should use twitter. I follow Skeletonwitch. I’m planning...

Shock and Awe w/ Five Finger Death Punch, Shado...10041
The ‘Shock and Raw‘ tour got off to an interesting start. After tour headliners Five Finger Death Punch’s record release...

Happy Industrial Monday w/ VNV Nation, War Tape...9628
It was a warm Monday evening in SF. I walked into The Grand, which was surprisingly empty. I thought this...

Scandinavian Metal Night w/ Opeth & Enslave...9424
8pm is just too early for a metal show. By the time the security line allows me inside, I have...

Throbbing Gristle Was Tough to Swallow @ The Gr...9324
The show sold out almost immediately. Anyone who calls themselves an industrial fan has at least heard of Throbbing Gristle....

Scott Weiland, The Color Turning @ The Grand, 2...8858
I was worried when I heard that Weiland tickets were reduced to $10 last week. I know the economy is...

US Air Guitar Championship @ The Grand Ballroom...8049
It’s 8/8/08, and while many around the world gathered to watch the historic Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, about 1200 slightly...

The Faint, Jaguar Love @ The Grand Ballroom, 8/...8039
It’s night 2 of 3 for following The Faint this week. Does it get any better than The Fillmore show?...

Type O Negative @ The Grand Ballroom at the Reg...7955
I think I may have been listening to Bloody Kisses when I had my first sip of Jagermeister. While I...

Peter Murphy @ The Grand Ballroom at the Regenc...7950
It’s June 2nd and it’s 50 degrees outside. As I walk into the venue with the too long name, the...

atmosphere, abstract rude @ the grand ballroom ...7911
When I first discovered Atmosphere 5 or so years ago, I remember thinking that perhaps it was like the grunge...

she wants revenge/brazilian girls @ The Regency...7265
“Are you guys here for the Camel event?” Oh no, not again! Another favorite band has been humped by the...