Afro-Punk: Saul Williams, Earl Greyhound, Ameri...10252
I walked into The Independent to find it slightly transformed for the evening. The Afro-Punk logo- the organization spearheading the...

Thinking Woman's Metal: Pelican, Black Cob...10190
After probably five failed attempts at seeing local metal duo Black Cobra, I finally made it to a show. Man,...

Earthquake of Sound: A Place to Bury Strangers,...10135
On the 20th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake, those of us at The Independent experienced earth-shaking sound. Let me...

I Can't Control Myself: The Horrors, Japan...10084
I spent the day roaming around Portland after last night’s show: Powell’s Books, record stores, Voodoo Doughnuts, a Dr. Marten...

Drone Home w/ Sunn O))), The Accused, Eagle Twi...9873
It’s my second night in a row at The Independent. It would be wildly different than the night before. It...

Local Bands with Entertaining Names Night w/ Le...9868
It was ‘Recession Proof Party’ night at The Independent- a free show with local bands. First, I have to share...

Make Air Not War – The U.S. Air Guitar Re...9609
As I get deeper and deeper into making HardRockChick a legitimate website, building up my own credibility as a writer...

Fucked Up, Mika Miko, Leather Feather @ The Ind...8872
In a hurry to get inside, I forgot to look up at the marquee to see if Fucked Up was...

Butch Walker @ The Independent, 10/20/088368
I was finishing the last few pages of Pamela Des Barres’ Take Another Little Piece of My Heart, when I...

Mission of Burma, Hank IV @ The Independent, 9/...8285
This is my first time going to a show where an album is being performed in its entirety. This has...

US Air Guitar Championship, SF Regional Final @...7981
As I stand in front of the stage at The Independent, I ponder why I am here to watch people...

the cool kids @ the independent, 1/17/087744
The Cool Kids are the current it boys of the indie hip hop circuit, and rightfully so. Their stripped down,...

Brian Jonestown Massacre, The Independent, 9/4/077561
Honestly, I don’t know where to begin. How about here- I’d heard of BJM but had never much listened until...

The Gray Kid / Datarock / Vin Sol @ The Indepen...7442
Before hardrockchick.com was born, when my live music reviews were still integrated into my personal blog, I used to bitch...

Bob Schneider @ The Independent, 6/7/077415
I’ve seen 2 Austin bands in a row at The Independent. I’m in full blown homesick mode. The opener was...

The Black Angels and Vietnam @ The Independent,...7401
It was psychedelic rock night at The Independent, and this was proved not only by the music at hand, but...

Noise Pop Festival: Autolux w/ Snowden and Mala...7262
I have been waiting to see Autolux ever since they opened for Nine Inch Nails for part of the With...