
Is rock music losing its cool?

August 31, 2008
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Hannah Montana leads a double life- where she is a ‘rock star’ in one of them. Millions of preteen girls declare their desire to be rock stars while listening to Hannah Montana’s incredibly poppy tunes.

The Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame 2008 inductees include Madonna to keep company with the likes of Van Halen, The Doors and Jimi Hendrix. Several dead rock stars roll over in their graves.

Mosh pits form at every concert from Slayer (real) to Justice (kind of uncalled for). Let’s not even talk about throwing devil horns at Jack Johnson.

And Rolling Stone frequently puts people like Britney on their covers. Ugh.

Is rock music losing its cool? Yeah, it is. Rock has been bastardized to the generic levels of Kleenex, Rollerblades, and Ziploc bags. This is why I have to be the Hard Rock Chick instead of just a rock chick.

And the most unexpected thing might save the term- videogames. Rock Band and Guitar Hero, whose track lists include mostly real rock music, have entered the homes of millions of uneducated individuals, teaching them what rock is with every button push.

Long live headbanging.

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