9 Inch Snails8348
I knew the Muppets’ real audience was druggies and not kids.

Dear Trent Reznor,8261
I recently received your survey, and I have to say, I was impressed. You wanted to know all sorts of...

Lemurs, Hippotizers, and Marimbas, oh my…8219
So this is what it looks like from the back! Wired has a great article and video montage about the...

NIN's Blue Screen of Death8216
Flickr/LtRandazzo Now that is metal.

5 reasons NIN is the coolest band in the world?8214
Metromix posted these reasons. 1. Geeky- Agreed 2. Fans- Check 3. Live shows- ditto 4. Sci-fi- yep 5. “It’s a...

Josh Freese's 'My Life on Tour with N...8206
…like any good David Lynch film, I laughed and was confused through the entire thing.

NIN, Deerhunter @ The Forum, 9/6/088175
It’s been 2 days of extreme highs and extreme lows. I am fully convinced that the Oakland show was just...

NIN, Deerhunter @ Oracle Arena, 9/5/088171
The men of NIN invaded SF yesterday, posting not-so-cryptic photos of their down to earth meals and strolling around the...

They're here!8168
If only I worked downtown… (from nin.com) *resists urge to stalk*

China Censorship8154
A slightly old Rolling Stone article discusses how China is strict with letting in bands to tour in their country....

LA Times article on Reznor8144
Enjoy. I’m surprised that he’s opening the door on his personal life a bit. Dinner with dad? This guy knows...

New NIN tour dates8087
Here’s what I was talking about: Oct. 28 – Orlando, FL – UCF Arena Oct. 29 – Jacksonville, FL –...

New NIN tour dates announced-ish8075
…revealed through the NIN.com forum beta. Can’t pull together a collective list, but I might be able to hit up...

New Meathead Perspective: Voice of the Voiceless8060
Meathead pokes fun at Reznor’s recent show cancellations due to throat issues, his obsession with all things Apple, and groupies…..it’s...

Rolling Stone covers Lights In The Sky tour8045
Nice little piece on Reznor’s tour strategy. There are some really bizarre quotes in there that seem a little uncharacteristic…but,...

New Meathead Perspective: Explains the mysterio...8038
Another lovely video here.

New Projects, YZTV, oh my….Reznor audio i...8036
Behold, he speaks, and he speaks of great things… It just keeps getting better. I’m not worthy.

nine inch nails, crystal castles @ key arena, 7...8030
It amazes me that, while I write about NIN on a regular basis, this will be my first official HRC...

8 more days…8013
…Until my NIN show in Seattle (1/3 for this tour)! 8 reasons why I heart Reznor: The Fragile= le bomb

NIN's The Slip pics8016
My limited edition goodies should be coming soon…wonder what numbers I’ll get this time…

NIN ARG Cranking again?8002
1. NIN plots tour using Google Earth. 2. Mysterious ? pops up in LA. Someone goes there and finds this:...

Frustration and Fury7964
New York Times even thinks Trent Reznor is God.

NIN Tour has a name: Lights in the Sky7959
It’s not just some other show, it’s a NIN show. It’s going to be an experience. We’ve been provided with...

NIN Lyrics Analyzer: Pig7943
Found in: ‘Piggy’: Hey pig piggy pig pig pig ‘March of the Pigs’: All the pigs are all lined up...

NIN Lyrics Analyzer: Slip Away7924
This entry marks a new segment within my NIN entries, where I will analyze common phrases and/or words found in...

See you in Seattle7910
Got my presale tickets to the first US show of the tour. The presale went pretty smoothly, but the tickets...