US Air Guitar Championship @ The Grand Ballroom...8049
It’s 8/8/08, and while many around the world gathered to watch the historic Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, about 1200 slightly...

OTEP, Droid @ 12 Galaxies, 8/7/088048
I walk into the cavernous 12 Galaxies a little saddened, since it was announced that day that it would close...

The Faint, Jaguar Love @ The Grand Ballroom, 8/...8039
It’s night 2 of 3 for following The Faint this week. Does it get any better than The Fillmore show?...

The Faint, Glass Candy, Shy Child @ The Fillmor...8035
It’s night 1 of 3 this week for seeing The Faint. The Fillmore is teeming with in-the-know music junkies. Shy...

nine inch nails, crystal castles @ key arena, 7...8030
It amazes me that, while I write about NIN on a regular basis, this will be my first official HRC...

Burning Brides, MC Rut @ Rickshaw Stop, 7/22/088020
My professional grade earplugs couldn’t save me from the wailing and screaming of last night’s bands at The Rickshaw. The...

immigrant @ dna lounge, 7/19/088018
It’s my first, and apparently last, Pop Roxx. Pop Roxx was a 3 years running monthly party playing a mix...

Tidal Wave Metal Fest @ McLaren Park, 7/5/087990
A free metal festival could not take place in the majority of cities in the world. Total chaos would erupt,...

Billy Idol @ The Fillmore, 6/26/087984
It’s the most packed I’ve ever seen The Fillmore. Or, perhaps I usually arrive much earlier and am in the...

US Air Guitar Championship, SF Regional Final @...7981
As I stand in front of the stage at The Independent, I ponder why I am here to watch people...

She Wants Revenge @ The Fillmore, 6/20/087980
There’s something highly comical about seeing Dethklok, Ted Nugent, and now She Wants Revenge at The Fillmore in the span...

Ted Nugent @ The Fillmore, 6/19/087979
Ted Nugent is about as polarizing a figure as they come. Crazy/genius…those are the words often used to describe him....

The New Centuries, White Pee @ Retox, 6/18/087978
It’s 11:30p on a Tuesday, and I’m in the basement of a remote hipster bar far removed from mainstream SF....

Broken Spindles @ Cafe du Nord, 6/17/087975
If you are really a fan of a band, then you take the time to learn more about the musicians....

An Evening with Dethklok @ The Fillmore, 6/9/087967
Homemade 'Explode Me!' shirt, Pickles, and Brendon Small, oh my.

John 5 @ Guitar Center SF, 6/9/087966
John 5 shredded San Francisco's Guitar Center to pieces.

Dethklok @ The Fillmore, 6/5/087958
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.

Type O Negative @ The Grand Ballroom at the Reg...7955
I think I may have been listening to Bloody Kisses when I had my first sip of Jagermeister. While I...

Peter Murphy @ The Grand Ballroom at the Regenc...7950
It’s June 2nd and it’s 50 degrees outside. As I walk into the venue with the too long name, the...

My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult @ DNA Lounge,...7949
The ’90s were pretty freakin’ cool. Culture coughed up some of the last seedy, dirty things before the regime change...

Astra Heights, Von Iva, The Blacks, The Bruises...7922
It was the beginning of a 3 day weekend, and Bottom of the Hill was percolating with the local hip...

Jakob Dylan @ Cafe du Nord, 5/18/087917
Cafe du Nord has to be one of the most intimate venues in SF. The whole narrow room in the...

Juliette & The Licks @ Oysterfest, 5/17/087916
The Oysterfest in San Francisco is not the place I would expect to catch a kick ass set. But apparently,...

atmosphere, abstract rude @ the grand ballroom ...7911
When I first discovered Atmosphere 5 or so years ago, I remember thinking that perhaps it was like the grunge...

Cut Copy, Black Kids @ Mezzanine, 4/26/087886
Occasionally, between screaming guitars and brutal mosh pits, I like to go dancing. I figured that this one off Coachella...

The Raconteurs, Birds of Avalon @ Bimbo's,...7882
I resisted the idea of Jack White as my generation’s rock star for a long time. After last night’s show,...

Cypress Hill, Literates @ The Fillmore, 4/20/087878
When it’s 4/20, and Cypress Hill is playing at The Fillmore, you kinda know what you’re gonna get. We walk...