Chris Cornell @ The Warfield, 7/10/077483
The Warfield lived up to its name down in the GA area last night, as the ’90’s moshers, solo career...

Battles @ Slim's, July 2, 20077474
My introduction to Battles is one of those rare instances where the manfriend bought tickets to the show and told...

The Gray Kid / Datarock / Vin Sol @ The Indepen...7442
Before hardrockchick.com was born, when my live music reviews were still integrated into my personal blog, I used to bitch...

BFD 2007 @ Shoreline Amphitheater, 6/9/077416
Dear Live 105, My, how I look forward to BFD each year. It’s one day of seeing bands that make...

Bob Schneider @ The Independent, 6/7/077415
I’ve seen 2 Austin bands in a row at The Independent. I’m in full blown homesick mode. The opener was...

The Black Angels and Vietnam @ The Independent,...7401
It was psychedelic rock night at The Independent, and this was proved not only by the music at hand, but...

Concert Redux7393
So I’m ramping up to relaunch my old blog, jamiesbrain.com. I’m going back and looking at my old show reviews,...

The Velvet Revolver, Guns 'n Roses, & ...7353
OK, so I can check all three of these of my list now- I’ve seen each of them up close...

Velvet Revolver @ The Warfield, 5/5/077347
Meow. This is the stuff that rock ‘n roll dreams are made of. Knowing that we are all starved for...

LCD Soundsystem @ Mezzanine, 4/30/077342
LCD Soundsystem has received a lot of buzz for being one of the best live acts today. You could tell...

Blonde Redhead @ Bimbo's 4/23/077333
It bewilders me that I go to 1 or 2 shows a week, and this was my first time to...

Iggy Pop and The Stooges @ The Warfield, 4/21/077324
The old, the young, the rebellious. All here to see the inventor of the stage dive; the sinewy, writhing man...

Willie Nelson @ The Fillmore, 4/18/077323
Before going to this show, I tried to count the number of times I’ve seen Willie. It must be close...

Heart @ The Grand National Rodeo/Cow Palace, 4/...7321
Music and rodeos go together like…barbecue and baked beans. My earliest experiences with live music occurred at rodeos: Willie Nelson,...

DJ AM/Mickey Avalon/Dirt Nasty and Andre Legacy...7296
Travis Barker: missed. Thanks, Friday night focus groups! After one hour and a shot, too many blondes and boobs and...

El-P, Lateef The Truthspeaker @ Mezzanine 3/25/077290
We have entered the period where our world has been sufficiently messed up for a long enough period of time...

Bright Eyes @ Great American Music Hall, 3/9/077268
It’s my birthday, and I’m going to see Bright Eyes for the third time. What better place to see him...

Noise Pop: Ghostland Observatory, Honeycut, The...7263
Yay, the Mezzanine. It is becoming my second home. And it is girl’s night out. We walk in mid way...

Noise Pop Festival: Autolux w/ Snowden and Mala...7262
I have been waiting to see Autolux ever since they opened for Nine Inch Nails for part of the With...

Army of Anyone @ Slim's, 2/24/0711928
When faced with the term ‘supergroup’, the level of expectation for a band skyrockets. So when I was emailed by...

Mickey Avalon @ popscene, 2/22/0711929
Here comes the first of what I suspect will be many posts that are not technically hard rock music. I...

she wants revenge/brazilian girls @ The Regency...7265
“Are you guys here for the Camel event?” Oh no, not again! Another favorite band has been humped by the...