Fantastic Voyage: Mike Garson’s Bowie Cel...14592
“We’re learning to live with somebody’s depressionAnd I don’t want to live with somebody’s depressionWe’ll get by, I supposeIt’s a...

Ocean Size: Jane’s Addiction, The Duke Sp...12908
“wish I was ocean size they cannot move you no one tries no one pulls you out from your hole...

Personal Jesus: 7th Annual MusiCares MAP Fund C...12157
When your hobby begins to take more and more time and you don’t get paid for it but you treat...

Fan's Addiction: Jane's Addiction @ T...11220
When I made the decision to move home on account of my mom’s illness, I wanted to have one last...

NIN/JA Tour Diary 8: Last in Holmdel, 6/6/099526
It was to be the final show. I slept like a baby in Philly, woke up late, and it was...

NIN/JA Tour Diary 7: Closer in Camden, 6/5/099522
I took a red eye flight to Atlanta, and then to Philly for the Camden show. I wasn’t able to...

NIN/JA Tour Diary 5- Mountain View- Then She Did9466
I’m very happy to share with you all one of the most exciting experiences of my life. My friend and...

NIN/JA Tour Diary 4- Santa Barbara- Broken9464
TR quote: “Welcome to Brunch with Nine Inch Nails” NIN/JA Tour Diary 4- Santa Barbara- Broken from hardrockchick on Vimeo....

NIN/JA Tour Diary 3- Las Vegas- Worth the Wait9445
So…no before and after commentary video for me this time. Why? I was too tired to string together sentences. The...

NIN/JA Tour Diary 2- Chula Vista ~ Banged Up an...9435
It’s kinda long….but here are some before and afters videos of me talking, with SSSC, NIN, and JA footage in...