Metal Alliance Tour: Behemoth, Goatwhore, 1349,...14160
Once again, I got to bring an extreme metal piece to the masses on GRAMMY.com! A side note: The night...

Flattening of Emotions: Death To All @ House of...13745
I would say that a close runner up in the number of band shirts I see at the shows I...

A Lesson in Violence: The Metal Alliance Tour f...13701
I have a piece up about this show on GRAMMY.com GO SEE THIS TOUR!!

Viva La Revolution: The Adicts @ House of Blues13674
I don’t even want to know how many hours of my life are spent thinking about concerts. Finding new ones...

A Warrior’s Call: Volbeat @ House of Blue...13672
I was sitting on my couch feeling a sad, lonely Friday night coming on when I got a text to...

Raise Your Fist: Doro, Sister Sin @ House of Bl...13637
A Friday night on the Sunset Strip has morphed many times throughout the years. Sometimes thinking about this depresses me,...

Mad House: Metal Blade 30th Anniversary Party f...13509
As I worked on preparing all of my coworkers for me to be incommunicado for a full week, vacation brain...

Sadistic Magician: Municipal Waste, Napalm Deat...13474
I’m at the tail end of a long list of metal shows I threw on my calendar when I arrived...

I Am Morbid: Morbid Angel @ House of Blues Suns...12476
There was one week back in June when you couldn’t NOT talk to a metalhead and have them bitch about...

Death to All But Metal: Steel Panther, Transkun...12316
“I’m on the list.” “That’ll be $5 per person” “No, you don’t understand…I’m on The List”. “But you’re not on...

House of Black: Childen of Bodom, Devin Townsen...12244
I paid someone to walk all over me. It was much better than the kind that you don’t pay someone...

House of Growls: Behemoth, Septic Flesh, Lightn...10620
I’m flying down the 5 at 90 mph, alternating between listening to the bands I would later see that evening...