Yeah, so it’s not the most positive documentary. Perhaps this focuses on the heavy side of metal, highlighting the the age of excess in glam metal through classic incriminating quotes.
Check out Riki Rachtman!!!!
The Decline of Western Civilization, Part 2, is one part expose, one part rockumentary, and every part sensational. I mean, Gene Simmons is interviewed in a lingerie store, Paul Stanley is interviewed laying in bed with three scantily clad women, and you already saw the Chris Holmes piece. Directed by Penelope Spheeris, who also directed Wayne’s World, the film is the second of three films in the series, the other two focusing on punk music. Spheeris loses some credibility in my opinion since it was exposed that the OJ scene with Ozzy Osbourne, where he entirely misses the glass while pouring it, was faked. I don’t doubt that these rockers all has serious drug and alcohol issues, but it just wasn’t the most well balanced footage. Especially when you take into account the interviews with PMRC Tipper Gore people who talk about Metal Rehab. “We de-metal them”. Wow.
One of the best quotes (there are many): a girl talks about staying away from drugs by stating “It’s sex, drums, and rock ‘n roll!”
We’re in the midst of ’90s nostalgia, with bands reuniting all over the place, and Kurt Cobain being mentioned right…
All We Are Saying is a documentary by Rosanna Arquette. She interviews many musicians- very famous ones- about the changing…
The Ramones are a band that I should know more about. I was mildly familiar with their cultural cache, their…
Yesterday I rewatched Metallica: Some Kind of Monster after listening to the episode of a podcast I listen to- 60…
It’s no secret that I’ve been on a black and death metal kick lately: Enslaved… Behemoth… Mayhem…I mean, I’ve always…
Guns ‘n Roses didn’t write Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door. Nine Inch Nails didn’t write Dead Souls. But I heard the…
“Make Air, Not War”. I had been trying to make it to the San Francisco regional Air Guitar Championship for…
Depeche Mode is just one of those bands that has never really waned in success- they’ve never had a shit…
If you’ve never heard about the Altamont incident before, this this isn’t the documentary to explain it to you. But…
The Fearless Freaks is a great name for The Flaming Lips documentary. If you already thought this band was weird,…
We’re in the midst of ’90s nostalgia, with bands reuniting all over the place, and Kurt Cobain being mentioned right…
All We Are Saying is a documentary by Rosanna Arquette. She interviews many musicians- very famous ones- about the changing…
The Ramones are a band that I should know more about. I was mildly familiar with their cultural cache, their…
Yesterday I rewatched Metallica: Some Kind of Monster after listening to the episode of a podcast I listen to- 60…
It’s no secret that I’ve been on a black and death metal kick lately: Enslaved… Behemoth… Mayhem…I mean, I’ve always…
Guns ‘n Roses didn’t write Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door. Nine Inch Nails didn’t write Dead Souls. But I heard the…