3 Shades of Black: Hank Williams III @ The Obse...14016
“3 shades of black We all like metal and Whiskey! Livin’ Hard and chasin’ down Hell. We’ll never give up...
Twisted Light: The Black Angels, The Black Ryde...13973
Sometimes there’s just something in the air, something with the moon, something with us that makes a show….weird. That would...
Fire Walker: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Thene...13850
I am living amidst a state of emotional discontent. This is mostly derived from a self-induced goth summer, where I...
A Spectacle of Lies: Decibel Tour: Cannibal Cor...13807
When I first saw the lineup for The Decibel Tour, after thinking “must go” I also knew it was going...
Go Insane: Lower Class Brats @ The Observatory,...13578
The night before this show, I fainted and split my head open and ended up in Cedars Sinai Emergency room...
Burning From the Inside: Peter Murphy Bauhaus s...13563
“Running without aim Through the razor weeds That only reach my knees And when I’m lying in the grey sleep...