Death in the Eyes of Dawn: Amon Amarth, Enslave...14119
“I followed all the paths Righteous in my heart Slept without the dreams Got lost within myself” ~”Death in the Eyes...
Oblivion: Mayhem Fest featuring Mastodon, Amon ...19807
You can read my piece on Mayhem Fest on the GRAMMY site (with awesome photos), or see the unedited version...
Mad House: Metal Blade 30th Anniversary Party f...13509
As I worked on preparing all of my coworkers for me to be incommunicado for a full week, vacation brain...
The Pursuit of Vikings: Amon Amarth @ House of ...12397
“Standing on the ocean side We can hear the waves Calling us out with tide To sail into our fate”...
Live Without Regrets: Amon Amarth @ White Rabbi...12106
Two weeks ago I went to the land of the Vikings; and now the Vikings came to me. What is...
HardRockChick interviews Amon Amarth drummer Fr...12116
I talked to Amon Amarth drummer Fredrik Andersson outside of the White Rabbit in San Antonio before the band’s two-set...
Viking Swords and Blast Beats: Fear Factory, Am...10979
Running on fumes after last night’s whirlwind Golden Gods trip, it’s a wonder that in the 10 minutes I had...