Fantastic Four: Secrets of the Moon @ Thee Park...10212
It was going to be a quick in/out. Germany’s best kept secret, black metalers Secrets of the Moon, would open...

"Everyone is a story": Valient Thorr,...10206
The smell of unwashed boys is thick in the air as I enter Annie’s Social Club. Nihilist is on stage,...

HardRockChick Interviews Jesse Dayton / Captain...10194
Continuing on with part 2 of what should be 4 entries in my Zombie week, I recently had the opportunity...

Thinking Woman's Metal: Pelican, Black Cob...10190
After probably five failed attempts at seeing local metal duo Black Cobra, I finally made it to a show. Man,...

Rob Zombie: Tour and Album updates….and H...10185
So I got to participate in a teleconference with Rob Zombie yesterday. It’s kind of a weird concept- a bunch...

We Demand an Apology from Ms. Cheney10178
My quick letter to this organization that calls themselves ‘Keep America Safe‘ who recently said offensive things about two of...

This Shit Will Fuck You Up – Combichrist,...10173
I couldn’t go to see Zombichrist and not dress like a zombie. So I threw on some makeup and scared...

Doom & Art Room: UFOMAMMUT & Acid King ...10169
Last night really couldn’t have been more different from Friday even though it was in the same genre. To get...

Let Loose at Slipknot w/ Deftones @ San Jose Ev...10156
There’s something exciting about rushing out of work right at 5 on a Friday, transforming into my metal attire, and...

Interstate Love Song: Stone Temple Pilots @ The...10150
For some reason, Stone Temple Pilots never make it on the list of ‘my bands’. Why is that? I pretty...

A Hard Drive: All That Remains, Lacuna Coil @ T...10143
I know three things about the bands playing tonight going into this show: 1. Lacuna Coil are from Italy 2....

Earthquake of Sound: A Place to Bury Strangers,...10135
On the 20th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake, those of us at The Independent experienced earth-shaking sound. Let me...

No Pity for the Majority: KMFDM, Angelspit, Leg...10128
“Are you the Hard Rock Chick?” I hear as I’m being searched by security. I say yes, and he tells...

Otherworldy Dark Metal: Satyricon, Toxic Holoca...10118
Last night, metal lovers from Taiwan, Portland, Norway, and San Francisco joined forces. My path into this show was bumpy….I...

Something for Everyone: Children of Bodom, The ...10112
Let’s start this review with a case study example of why bands should use twitter. I follow Skeletonwitch. I’m planning...

HRC Giveaway: 2 tickets to Rockstar Karaoke at ...10103
I’m giving away two tickets to Sunday night’s Rockstar Karaoke event in Los Angeles at The Roxy. The event, benefiting...

I Don't Wanna Live Forever ~ Motörhead @ ...10094
There was something about going to a Motörhead show that inspired me to dress up a bit. So, I dusted...

I Can't Control Myself: The Horrors, Japan...10084
I spent the day roaming around Portland after last night’s show: Powell’s Books, record stores, Voodoo Doughnuts, a Dr. Marten...

Metal Dream Team: Dethklok, Mastodon, Converge,...10078
Most of the metal community let out a collective hurray- or threw horns, or whatever- when this tour was announced....

Metal Morsels: Kylesa, Saviours, Bison b.c., Ko...10074
It’s my second night at DNA Lounge this week, and my second of three nights with a four band line...